This tutorial is based on the blog post in this webpage: I strongly recommend you to read the blog post first to get an idea of the data and the context.
There is a GitHub repository for this tutorial if you want to run it by yourself available here:
DISCLAIMER: I’m trying this new thing of the tutorials for the analyses I will be making now on as blog posts. It would be nice/helpful if I could get feedback. All kinds of feedbacks are welcomed. Feel free to use the Contact tab to contact me.
Notebook Content:
The United States established in 1840 a central office to oversee the census of the population of its states and territories. This office today is known as the United States Census Bureau. They perform a decenial census, the last one being in 2010. With this information they produce what is called PEPANNRES - Annual Estimates of the Resident Population in which they do population estimates by different geographic levels. In March 2018 they published the estimates for municipalities in the year 2017. This is exactly what we need for our analysis.
The Census Bureau makes their data available through many pages and API's. Here we are going to use the FactFinder webpage and download the data manually, but it is worth noting that there are API wrappers in Python such as:
If you want to get the data manually it is available in the following LINK. However, it is included as a zip file in the repository for reproducibility purposes.
import pandas as pd
import os
import unidecode
The data is stored in a compressed form, we need to extract it and save it in a place where we can use it.
folder ---- -d data/
commandos.system("unzip ../data/ -d ../data/")
is a function from the pandas package that allows us to load Comma Separated Values (CSV) files into Python with ease. The head()
method let's us see the top rows of the data frame.
data = pd.read_csv("../data/PEP_2017_PEPANNRES.csv", encoding='latin-1')
Spanish is a beautiful language, however, when dealing with names when programming, sometimes it's hard given some inconsistencies. This comes because of a wrong encoding of the files, typing some of the names in English and some in Spanish, or simply skiping 'weird' characters. To deal with this inconsistencies, we convert the names to their english-letter representation and to an upper case. This way we standarize all the names for all the files.
municipalities = []
for i in range(0, 78):
muni_raw = data['GEO.display-label'][i].split(" Municipio, Puerto Rico")[0]
muni_clean = unidecode.unidecode(muni_raw)
muni_upper = muni_clean.upper()
data['ResidencePlace'] = municipalities
data_processed = data[['ResidencePlace', 'respop72017']]
Let's save the population estimates for 2017 to use the file later in our pipeline
Finally, clean the data directory to only remain with the files we need to reproduce this analysis and produce it's output.
os.system("rm ../data/PEP_2017_PEPANNRES.csv ../data/PEP_2017_PEPANNRES_metadata.csv ../data/PEP_2017_PEPANNRES.txt ../data/aff_download_readme.txt")
1) What is the municipality with the highest population? How about the least?
2) Which municipality changed the most between 2016 and 2017?
3) How about between 2010 and 2017?
4) Can you find the municipality that has stayed the most stable (less variability) between all these years?
5) Are there some municipalities consistingly losing people and other winning them?
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico the 20th of September of 2017 at 6:15 a.m. entering through the municipality of Yabucoa as a Category 4 hurricane. According to the governments of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin islands, the cost of the damage is estimated in $102 billion USD1. However, the impact wasn't only economical. Following a lawsuit presented by the Center for Investigative Journalism (CPI, by its spanish initials) and CNN, the Government of Puerto Rico, and more specifically the Demographic Registry, was forced to publish the individual-level data of all the deaths occurred from September 20, 2017 to June 11, 2018. This data is available in the following Dropbox Link from the CPI.
import pandas as pd
import os
Here we are downloading the data directly from Dropbox and storing it under the data/
folder in the mortality.xlsx
os.system("wget --output-document='../data/mortality.xlsx' ''")
data = pd.read_excel("../data/mortality.xlsx")
data[data.ResidencePlace.str.contains('PUERTO RICO')]
data[data.ResidenceZone != 'DESCONOCIDO']
data = data[data.ResidencePlace.str.contains('PUERTO RICO')]
data = data[data.ResidencePlace != 'PUERTO RICO, DESCONOCIDO']
data = data[data.ResidenceZone != 'DESCONOCIDO']
We want to compute the number of deaths in each zone of each municipality:
and ResidenceZone
data.groupby(['ResidencePlace', 'ResidenceZone'])
data.groupby(['ResidencePlace', 'ResidenceZone']).size().reset_index(name='Deaths')
df_grp = data.groupby(['ResidencePlace', 'ResidenceZone']).size().reset_index(name='Deaths')
column¶municipalities = df_grp.ResidencePlace.tolist()
for i in range(0,len(municipalities)):
municipalities[i] = municipalities[i].split("PUERTO RICO, ")[1]
df_grp.ResidencePlace = pd.Series(municipalities)
1) Did more women died or men?
2) Which month had the higher mortality?
3) Which was the average age of death? Did more infants died or older people?
4) Do you see any patterns in years of education?
5) Do you notice any patter in the ResidencePlace vs the Death Registry municipality? Why is this?
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
%matplotlib inline
command, this tells the matplotlib package to display the plots in this notebook. geopandas
library for the first time. This is a very useful library to handle spatial data in Python. %matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import unidecode
import os
os.system("wget ''")
os.system("mv 'pueblos.json' '../data/'")
geo_muni = gpd.read_file('../data/pueblos.json')
On the geometry
column we see a POLYGON
object which is a spatial object that defines the boundary coordinates of the municipalities.
object, will plot the geometry column which in this case is our polygons of the municipalitiesgeo_muni.plot()
municipalities = []
for i in range(0, 78):
muni_raw = geo_muni['NAME'][i].split(" Municipio, Puerto Rico")[0]
muni_clean = unidecode.unidecode(muni_raw)
muni_upper = muni_clean.upper()
geo_muni['NAME'] = municipalities
census_data = pd.read_csv("../data/census.csv")
census_data = census_data.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis = 1)
mortality_data = pd.read_csv("../data/mortality_grouped.csv")
mortality_data = mortality_data.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis = 1)
df = mortality_data.merge(census_data, on='ResidencePlace')
df['death_rate'] = (df['Deaths']/df['respop72017']) * 1000
geo_muni['death_rate'] = list(df.groupby(['ResidencePlace'])['death_rate'].sum())
figure, ax = plt.subplots(1)
geo_muni.plot(column = 'death_rate',
scheme = 'quantiles',
legend = True,
ax = ax,
linewidth = 0.3)
fig = plt.gcf()
fig.set_size_inches(7, 6)
plt.title("Mortality rate per 1,000 individuals\n Timeframe from September 20, 2017 to June 2018")
Source: NYTimes
1) Do you see a pattern between the trajectory of the Hurricane and the mortality rates' spatial distribution?
2) Do you see a difference between rural zones and urban zones? Their means? Their variances? Maybe remember the groupby
function to do this step. We will go way more in depth in the next notebook.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
libraryWhat if we have previous knowledge, or have expert knowledge regarding a certain subject that we would like to incorporate? With Bayesian methods, we can set something that is called a prior, which is a distribution for each parameter of the phenomenom we want to estimate or test. We combine this priors with the data (a.k.a Likelihood) to obtain a posterior distribution which allows us the necessary inference.
DISCLAIMER: Priors are controversial as some people have suggested that one can skew the results of the posterior distribution by setting the priors to certain values. This might be true in cases of few data points, however, in an open and reproducible science approach this should not be a concern as everyone alse can see your work. This is a big difference between using tools such as
as compared to other click-and-touch software.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pymc3 as pm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
census_data = pd.read_csv("../data/census.csv")
census_data = census_data.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis = 1)
mortality_data = pd.read_csv("../data/mortality_grouped.csv")
mortality_data = mortality_data.drop(['Unnamed: 0'], axis = 1)
df = mortality_data.merge(census_data, on='ResidencePlace')
df['death_rate'] = (df['Deaths']/df['respop72017']) * 1000
Here we are making two DataFrames, one with the information for the rural zones and one for the urban zones.
rural = df[df['ResidenceZone'] == 'RURAL']['death_rate']
urban = df[df['ResidenceZone'] == 'URBANO']['death_rate']
, the package we are using for Bayesian estimation, requires the data in a certain structure, which is what we are doing in this code cell below.
total = pd.DataFrame(dict(death_rate = np.r_[rural, urban],
group = np.r_[['rural']* len(rural),
['urban'] * len(urban)]))
As mentioned before, when doing bayesian estimation we need to set our priors. In this case I'm stating that our priors for the mean mortality rate in each zone should be close to the total death rate. In this case, I am modeling this priors with a TruncatedNormal distribution, bounded between 0 and a 1000, from the PyMC3
library. This would mean the extreme of either no one dying or everyone dying respectively. As we don't know much about the variability of the data, we model it for both zones with a Uniform distribution between 0 and 10. v
is the degrees of freedom, we are centering the mean around 2 in this case with a Gamma distribution.
mu_total = total.death_rate.mean()
std_total = total.death_rate.std()
with pm.Model() as model:
rural_mean = pm.TruncatedNormal('rural_mean',
mu = mu_total,
sd = std_total,
lower = 0, upper = 1000)
urban_mean = pm.TruncatedNormal('urban_mean',
mu = mu_total,
sd = std_total,
lower = 0, upper = 1000)
std_low = 0
std_high = 10
with model:
rural_std = pm.Uniform('rural_std', lower = std_low,
upper = std_high)
urban_std = pm.Uniform('urban_std', lower = std_low,
upper = std_high)
with model:
v = pm.Gamma('v', alpha = 3, beta = 1)
In this code cell we are describing the final distribution, which is a StudentT distribution to compare the mean of the two groups at the end. We are passing the different arguments to the distribution and at the end with the observed
argument we are feeding the model the data we have observed.
with model:
lambda_rural = rural_std**-2
lambda_urban = urban_std**-2
rural_try = pm.StudentT('rural', nu = v, mu = rural_mean,
lam = lambda_rural, observed = rural)
urban_try = pm.StudentT('urban', nu = v, mu = urban_mean,
lam = lambda_urban, observed = urban)
Here, we are calculating the differences of the resulting distributions to see if there is a difference between both zones.
with model:
diff_of_means = pm.Deterministic('difference of means',
rural_mean - urban_mean)
diff_of_stds = pm.Deterministic('difference of stds',
rural_std - urban_std)
We are going to take samples from this distributions, in our case it will be 20,000 samples, over 4 cores, discarding the first 15,000 samples in each chain. This leaves us with a total of 140,000 samples from the distributions.
with model:
trace = pm.sample(20000, cores = 4, tune = 15000)
Let's look at the posterior of the mean of the mortality rate in urban zones. What do you see?
pm.plot_posterior(trace, varnames = ['urban_mean'], color = '#0d98ba')
We can observe that the mean is centered around 2.142 with a 95% chance that the real number is between 1.862 and 2.429, which means that we can say that in average, for every 1000 people, 2 died in urban zones. Below we can see that the standard deviation for the urban zones is 1.063.
pm.plot_posterior(trace, varnames = ['urban_std'], color = '#0d98ba')
Now, let's look at the posterior of the mean of the mortality rate in rural zones. Do you notice a difference?
pm.plot_posterior(trace, varnames = ['rural_mean'], color = '#0d98ba')
We can observe that the mean is centered around 4.126 with a 95% chance that the real number is between 3.81 and 4.451, which means that we can say that in average, for every 1000 people, 4 died in rural zones. Below we can see that the standard deviation for the rural zones is 1.207, which means that the variability between urban and rural zones was similar.
pm.plot_posterior(trace, varnames = ['rural_std'], color = '#0d98ba')
However, how does the rural distribution as a whole compare to the urban distribution?
pm.plot_posterior(trace, varnames = ['difference of means'], color = '#0d98ba', ref_val=0)
Above we can see that approximately, in avergae, 2 more people died in rural zones as compared to urban zones.
pm.forestplot(trace, varnames = ['rural_mean', 'urban_mean'])
Finally, if we compare the different chains of the sample visually we can see that they are all very diiferent between zones.
1) Do you think this analysis could incorporate other variables?
2) How do you think the results compare to the frequentist paradigm? Do you prefer to know the uncertainty in your results or have a single number to which you can refer to?
3) I encourage you to play with the PyMC3
package more as you can do very exciting things. (Such as model the result of football games)
This work was inpired in part by this work done by the PyMC3
development team:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.